Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I'm not even going to begin trying to catch up for the past 6-7 months! I have been a horrible blogger for all of our friends and family. So instead of trying to play "catch up", I'm just going to start with what's going on in the Warne household now...

Jade turned 11 months old last week! I can't believe she's almost a year old. That means I have to get serious about planning her first birthday.

I have had so much fun being a mom. It is the most exhausting, exhilirating, emotional roller coaster that one will ever be on, but one that I would never give up. Jade is crawling and pulling herself up, which means she's getting into EVERYTHING and she's not happy when mommy takes stuff away. She is talking a little and can say 'dada' and 'uh-oh' and she "roars" when we point to a green dinosaur in one of her books. She loves to be with mommy and likes to help in the kitchen. She enjoys jogging in her BOB jogging stroller and likes to be outside anytime. It's so much fun watching her learn new things everyday.

In other news, for those of you who may not know...Jim and I are in the process of adopting. I will post more on this later this week.

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